Anlık Fon - Portföy Yönetimi

by Create Enterprises



Anlı is a platform specially designed for stock market and fund investors. You can make profit/loss analysis and manage your portfolios by adding investment types such as shares, funds, foreign exchange, commodities, real estate and crypto money to your portfolios via Anlıı provides all its users with access to stock indices such as BIST 100, BIST 50, BIST 30, allowing you to put your investment decisions on a more solid basis. In the Funds section, there are features such as fund list, fund comparison, fund details, fund occupancy rates, fund distances to the peak, fund change, fund management fees distribution, 30-minute change charts of funds, distribution charts of the shares in the funds, the distribution of the shares in the funds and the distribution of the shares within the funds.Anlı offers many tools that will enable you to make the most accurate investment decisions. Important information such as historical and current stock market data, BIST opening-closing hours and market values ​​are also available on the site.Anlı allows users to manage their investments in the most accurate way. In "My Portfolio" you can manage all your investment instruments in one place. In addition, you can follow the changes of the investment instruments you add to your portfolio and make profit / loss analysis.The "Funds" section allows investors to obtain more detailed information about the funds. Thanks to many features such as fund details, fund comparison, fund occupancy rates, fund exchange, investors can choose the most suitable fund for them.Anlı was established to help investors make their investments more profitable. By becoming a member of Anlı, you can put your investments on a more solid foundation.Pages on our site:Portfolio monitoring and management, BIST 100, BIST 50, BIST 30, Fund List, Fund Comparison with 21 Different Features, Fund Details, Fund Occupancy Rates, Fund Peak Distances, Fund Change Charts, Fund Management Fees Distribution, 30-Minute Change Charts of Funds, Distribution Charts of Shares in Funds, Distribution of Shares in Funds and Shares in Funds.